New Years Resolutions

With the start of a new year it’s not uncommon to discuss or set resolutions and goals for the months ahead. To some people this may feel daunting, and to others it may promote feelings of excitement around new and potential opportunities. If new years resolutions only bring more stress to your life, know that you don’t need them in order to have a great year, or to accomplish the things that matter most to you. In fact, goal setting is a practice that you can take part in regardless of what time of year it is. So, wether you’re looking forward to setting new intentions or simply taking this time to enjoy the new year, below are a few tips that can help you make the most out of 2025…

  • Reflect: Reflection can help us identify the things in our life that went well last year, and the areas that we hope to improve in. This is a simple practice that can help provide clear direction for new intentions without having to set specific goals.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help us become more present and find joy in our every day experiences.

  • Choose a Theme: Instead of specific goals, try setting a theme for this new year. For example, your theme for 2025 could be “personal growth”, “adventure”, or “connection”. It just needs to be something that is important and meaningful to you.

  • Assess Your Willingness: Choose resolutions that you have a really strong “why” behind. Having a strong “why” behind a goal can help you stay disciplined even when you’re feeling unmotivated or tired.

  • Identify Specific Actions: When it comes to goal setting, it can be helpful to break them down in to specific actions that are easily attainable. For example, if your goal is to spend more time with family, then you may consider setting aside 1 Friday evening every month to have a family dinner.

  • Track Your Progress: Tracking your progress or having designated check ins with yourself can be motivating as you reflect on the things that you’ve accomplished. It can also provide accountability and structure as we strive to achieve our set goals.

To learn more about creative ways that can help you make the most out of your intentions for 2025, click here.


Treat Yourself