Red Ribbon Week

Since 1985 Red Ribbon Week has been happening annually as a way to bring awareness to drug misuse prevention on October 23-31st. Red Ribbon Week brings forth the opportunity for many schools, community organizations, and individuals to get involved by planning their own Red Ribbon Week campaigns and awareness events.

Red Ribbon Week started as a memorial and awareness event where people wore red ribbons to commemorate the loss of DEA agent, Enrique Camarena, and to bring awareness to the way that drugs impact our communities. The Red Ribbon now symbolizes a unified commitment to a drug free America.

Each year the campaign has a different theme to accompany the campaigns that happen across the country. This year's theme is "Celebrate Life, Live Drug Free". The goal of having an annual theme is to make sure there is a unified message that is being portrayed across the many individual events. This theme also allows for unity throughout social media platforms and allows for the broadcasting of the message to unite for a drug free future.

At Georgia Prevention Project our TAC and CPP groups are already planning their own awareness campaigns and events within their schools and communities. Check us out on social media (@GaPrevention) to find out what we've got coming up and to see how CPP is "Remixing" Red Ribbon Week!

Looking for ways to get involved?
Red Ribbon Activities
Red Ribbon Photo Contest


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