Spring Break Safety

As a college student, sometimes Spring Break means it is time to party. Some tips to keep you safe during Spring Break include:

  1. Travel with friends

    • Traveling with a close network of trusted people is always important, no matter where you go. Being in a group is a preventable way to become a victim of a crime.

  2. Arrive safely

    • Drive when everyone is alert and sober. Follow the speed limit and do not text and drive. Texting and driving puts you and others around you at risk of being in an accident.

  3. Create a code word

    • Having a secret word to signal danger to your friends can save you or your friends from an unwanted situation.

  4. Hydrate

    • Spring Break can get very warm, so hydration is very important. 

  5. Avoid peer pressure

    • Pay attention to how you feel and what your intuition is saying. Remember to plan ahead and use your secret word if you are with friends who will help you. Say no and be repetitive and leave the space if you are uncomfortable. 

Spring Break is an exciting time to unwind and relax, but there are some things to be alert of. Remember to stay safe this break with our tips! Enjoy your break and do something relaxing. 


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